Coming Soon: Idaho Brewers Trail App

Have you heard? We’re going digital with the Idaho Brewers Trail App! Soon you will be able to access our app that will include individual brewery profiles with detailed information and updated regularly. Plus, as you visit breweries you can earn points towards all new prizes.

Subscribe to our Brew News to be notified when it’s ready for download!

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About Us

Idaho Brewers United (IBU) is a non-profit 501(c) 6 trade organization founded in 2012 and is dedicated to the craft beer industry in Idaho.

IBU’s efforts are focused on the following areas:
Legislative/Regulatory: To give craft brewers a unified voice in addressing all issues, governmental or other, which affect the regulation of our industry.
Education: To provide opportunities for members to further their brewing knowledge and to educate the consumer about Idaho’s craft beer industry, and to encourage responsible, moderate consumption.
Promotion: To promote its members and their products to other brewers, suppliers, legislators, tourists and the general public. 

Contact Us

PO Box 6414 Boise ID 83707